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Roh JiHoon’s Profile

Written By Unknown on Thursday, December 13, 2012 | 10:26 PM

1.Name: 노지훈/No Ji Hoon/卢志勋
2.Family:Father, Mother, Elder Sister
3.Blood Type:AB
4.Education:ChoTang Kindergartens,BuPyeong Elementary, CheonHo Middle School, Seoul Physical Education High school.
5.Hobby, skills: Making friends, Cooking, exercising.
6.Personality:Dual personality (sometimes cheerful, sometimes quiet)
7.The Juncture to becoming a singer: Playfully participated in a singing competition when (Roh JiHoon) was still a sportsmen. After winning the competition, made a decision to go along with (Roh JiHoon’s) talents.
8.Ideal Type: Kim Yuna (Passionate, diligent, a girl worth learning from)
9.Closed artists:K.will
10.Favorite food:KimChi jiggae
11.Best cooking dish: Kimchi dishes
12.Favorite music style:R&B,Ballad,POP
13.Favorite movie: Black Swan
14.Favorite names:Magnet man, Roh JiHoon-nim
15.Favorite collections/items:clothes, accessories
16.Habit: Practicing
17.Usual Fashion style: Cheerful style, unique, neat style
18.Difficulties or things I don’t want to do after debut: Nothing so far.
19.A thing that I must do before reaching 30 years old: To love passionately.
20.Motto:Sing every song like it’s the last.
21.Extra Question:Q:What’s Roh JiHoon’s method of holding tears? or what is the method to release stress?
A: Reading books
KR-CN: 효리미 @ Roh JiHoon Cafe
CN-EN: MrsDooB2uty @ Loveindacube.wordpress.com
Source: The Star Chosun Profile 
M/s : kenvilthomas@kpopupdates.com