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‘Bad Guy’ Roh JiHoon’s Bad OX Interview, “In Fact I’m…”

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 | 8:02 PM

If you think  he is a good guy through sis innocent eyesmile, then you’re wrong. Within those cute smiles, Roh JiHoon is a bad guy who hides a deathly charm. We have prepared a OX interview with Roh JiHoon. From his head to toes, his overflowing dangerous charms of ’100% Bad Guy’ Roh JiHoon, would you want to know more about him? This OX interview would be the answers.
I’m a Casanova? (X)
I’m not. Just in the mockumentary.
I’ve seen a girl cried before? (O)
I did….did..
I went out from the dorm before? (O)
Isn’t it something that everyone want to do? Before the debut decision was made, I practiced repeatedly. I was tired, so I went out once. After that, I rarely did it again. I will return after a few hours (laughs). So, I was almost thrown out by the company. In fact, I was prepared to leave. At that time, my only time was for practicing. More than one year of practice, I’ve became worried of me just practicing… It seems harder in every way.
I’m a Bad Guy? (O)
If I were to say it now, then it’s an ‘O’. Prior to the release of my album, then it would be ‘X’. I will be a ‘Bad Guy’ as long as I’m promoting my ‘Bad Guy’ (concept). Actually, I think about my act when I’m on stage. I’ve watched Rain-senior, Se7en-senior’s videos and research about it. Practicing my expressions on the mirror is my secret.
I have thought about ‘Being Punished’ in a relationship? (O) 
It happens before. Who wouldn’t? But I’m a better bad guy when I’m in a relationship.
I broke up with girls more than receiving break ups from them? (O) 
The difference between guys is that they see it as an etiquette to girls. (And then) Wait (laughs) But that isn’t me.
I attract elder females? (O)
Age is just a number. It doesn’t matter if her age is much more than me. Especially if she’s pretty? (laughs). That’s a joke. I don’t look at looks. I look at her heart. I like a sweet and innocent person. I like it when she manages herself well, and does well in her job. I’m attracted to people whom I can learn from.

I like shorter girls? (△) 
It doesn’t matter with height.

I like long-haired girls? (△) 
This is a triangle too (laughs). I like those whose hairstyle suits herself.
I look at blood types when I date? (O)
Personally, I like AB blood types. I like all though (laughs) but AB-blood typed are the best suit for me. I’m an AB too, so I can understand it. Not because AB types are special.
I’m Special? (O) 
I’m different from everyone else. It seems like my thoughts are different too. Since young, as I wanted to know how hot it is, I touched the boiling stew with my fingers. I’ve even tried to open the doors in a moving car.
I have many fans in their 10s? (X) 
I have more 30-40 fans. They really treat me like their sons, and gave good care of me, so I’m grateful to them. Lately when I see fans in their 10s coming to meet me at my events, I really felt happy.
I’m a bad guy when I’m in a relationship? (X) 
Never. I’m a good guy when I’m in a relationship. Caring, nice and remembers every anniversary dates (laughs). Previously, when I date, I had candle event and even held 100 roses waiting in front of the school. If I were to date in the future, I would hold a bear, sing and dance for her.
I look forward to Christmas? (O)
What type of schedule will I have? LuLuLaLa (laughs).
I’m good in observing? (◎) 
When I was young, as I exercise, I had to be observant. I’ve learnt my observant skills from sports. The life of a group of men….
I think I can exceed Rain? (☆) 
I said I hope to exceed him. I love Rain-senior (laughs).
I feel burdensome with my sexy charms? (X) 
I don’t feel burdensome. I don’t have other charms that I can show. It seems that my sexiness is my main charm.
I look alike like K.Will? (O)
It was asked previously, only then I knew about it. Especially when I meet K.Will senior on broadcast programs, then we were laughing with each other. Although I do think that we looked the same last time too, but I didn’t know it would to this extent. I was shocked looking at the real person.
I have my secret weapon? (O) 
My confidence. And I think my superior genes my parents gave to me too. Personality, and height? (laughs). I don’t give up easily. I’m like weeds, the more you step, the more I grow. I love to challenge.
Trans: MrsDooB2uty @ loveindacube.wordpress.com
Source: Joy News
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