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Teen Top talk about roommate,sleeping habits and more!

Written By Unknown on Monday, August 27, 2012 | 9:32 AM

Be Ma Boys, Teen Top Interview - CHANGJO

Is there a new style of music that you’d like to try?
A song with a woman that tells a story like a musical like Big Bang Taeyang sunbae-nim did.

There are a lot of members of Teen Top who like Big Bang, right?
We like them a lot. If you asked us to pick a senior artist that we really admire, most of us would pick Big Bang. Before we shoot a music video, we try to immitate the gestures and expressions that they do. The angles that Taeyang sunbae-nim makes while dancing, and even the way he moves his mouth while wearing sunglasses.
What do have a big interest in these days?
Skateboarding. We saw the dancer hyungs riding them and it looked fun so we started to also. This is one thing we didn’t copy Big Bang at. Don’t misunderstand (laughs).
Has there been a time you’ve discovered that a member has changed?
When Ricky is with the members, he is the mood maker, but when he’s at home, he’s completely silent. I’ve slept over at his house once, and he didn’t talk at all. When I’m with my parents, I think I act younger. Because I’m the youngest of the family, I act cutely around them too.
When do you have the most fun with the members?
When we’re at the dorms. Every day it feels like we’re on vacation. Excluding when we’re extremely tired, it’s always loud at our dorms.
Can you reveal anything fun that happens at the dorms?
When it’s a member’s birthday, when that member goes to take a shower, we turn off all the lights and get the cake ready. It’s like a makeshift surprise party.
As a part of Teen Top’s maknae-line, is there anything you wish from the hyungs?
The hyungs treat us well, so I don’t really wish for anything. But if the opportunity arises, I want to make a choreography to one of the songs L.Joe has composed.

Do you sometimes look at fans’ reactions on the internet?
I look at comment replies a lot. I look at fansites too. Comments like “It was a little lacking this time” motivates me. I like those kinds of comments better.
Of all the things you’ve worried about, what was the most trivial thing?
My house is in Chuncheon and when I was a trainee, it was difficult to come to our company’s office. So I debated whether or not I should ask my mom to drive me there. And for a big worry, it was about life as a singer. But I won’t comment further.
If you meet an alien, what are you going to do?
I’m going to take a selca with it and keep it forever. And I’m going to pretend I didn’t see an alien to other people.
In 10 years, what will Teen Top be like?
Maybe we will be doing individual activities? Like Shinhwa, while we do group activities, we will do individual activities. Oh! I sup

Be Ma Boys, Teen Top Interview - CHUNJI

Do you remember what the first CD you bought was?
Yes, it was Park Hyoshin sunbae-nim’s CD. Of all the Korean artists, I like and admire Park Hyoshin the most. For foreign artists, I listen to Chris Brown often. I really want to try ballads at some point.

Is there anything you and the members shout before going on stage?
We shout “Teen Top fighting!” But we don’t do it with our hands, we do it with our feet. Although it may look like we put no effort into it, it still gives me strength.
Of all the foreign performances, which one stays in your memory the most?
Our first solo concert in Japan. It was the first time we sang all of our songs at once. Our fans’ response was really good, too. I think we have improved a lot.
You are always smiling and are considerate, but do you ever get mad or yell at the members?
I never raise my voice, but there are times when I do get irritated (laughs). When I’m tired or sensitive.
Do you guys know each other so well that you can tell what the other is thinking just by looking at his eyes?
Yes, we know everything about each other that there is to know. Since we’re together 24 hours a day. I think in total, the time we spent away from each other the last three years doesn’t even add up to a month. Because we understand each other, we don’t even fight.

How do you decide what to eat when everyone wants something different?
You know that restaurant ****? They have everything, so we just order from there.

I heard that you guys do image training while watching dramas.
Niel, Changjo, and I really enjoy watching dramas. Because we would like to try acting, we reenact crying scenes. And when there is a really cool scene, we scream together. It’s really fun.
How do you spend your free time?
I have 4 best friends that I’ve been with since elementary and I go to karaoke with them often. I sing all of Park Hyoshin sunbae-nim’s songs until my friends tell me to stop. And I sing Teen Top songs only when they ask (laughs).
Has there been a time when you’ve completely fallen for something?
I really like thousand piece puzzles. It’s fun putting it all together. And the feeling once you finish is great.
Do you really keep your slim figure without any dieting?
Because we have a busy schedule, I haven’t been gaining weight. I want to put on some weight, so I’ve purposely been trying to eat more, but it’s hard.
Of all of Teen Top’s nicknames, which one do you like the most?
World-Dols. I want us to become a group that receives love from all over the world, not just Korea.

Do you and the members talk about Teen Top’s far future?
Yes. Shinhwa has been together for 14 years, and we want to stay together for even a day longer than they have (laughs).

Be Ma Boys, Teen Top Interview - RICKY

You have experience in acting, right?
Yes, I still want to do acting now. I want to do something like “Hello Brother” or an action movie.
Do you practice acting?
A long time ago, I used to practice expressions in the mirror, because I believe that image is important in acting. I want to act once I am much older, after I have practiced a lot.
You are a fan of Big Bang too, right?
Yes, I watch a lot of T.O.P sunbae-nim’s stuff. There is an expression he makes while closing his eyes and it’s really handsome, so I saved the picture on my iPad. He is handsome and good at everything.
I can sense a lot of cuteness in your voice.
I think it’s because I am the youngest. Because the hyungs dote on me, I act cutely when I am with them. Like following them around and giggling.
When are you the happiest while with the members?
Excluding when we are tired, it’s always fun. We can’t stop talking once we get started. One time we started talking about air conditioners which turned into talking about going on vacation. The AC in the car was broken so we were talking about how cool and heavenly our dorms would feel.
Is there a member you’re still awkward with?
L.Joe. When it’s just the two of us, I don’t know what we should talk about (laughs).
Who’s your roommate? And does he have any sleep habits?
Niel sleeps curled up like a shrimp. And doesn’t cover himself with a blanket.
Is there any special thing that you were able to experience because you were an idol?
It feels weird having a body guard next to you. The general public doesn’t get to have this experience. I know it sounds a bit childish (laughs).
Is there a way to deal with obsessive fans?
I think there are a few have our numbers. Because sometimes we get text messages and KakaoTalk friend requests from numbers we don’t recognize. Since it’s possible to see if the person has received the text, we don’t even open the message.
What is a scenario you really enjoy in your personal life?
Rolling around in bed on a rainy day. Watching TV eating the fried dumplings and the pan-friend kimchi pancake my mom made. I like being at home on a rainy day.
As a member of Teen Top, what is something you would like to do?
I really want to hold a concert. If I were given the opportunity for a solo stage, I want to play the piano. I’m not that good, so I have to practice a lot.
Be Ma Boys, Teen Top Interview - C.A.P

I saw that you had really pretty tattoos while you were changing. What are they of?
I’ve always liked angels, so I have a few tattoos of them. There is one on my neck and one on my back.
I see a lot of photos where you are the only one wearing sunglasses.
It was part of a concept for a while. And I believe that it’s a necessary item on days you don’t want to put too much effort into your face.
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought that you were handsome?
One must look at a person’s heart! I don’t have much interest in my face, so I don’t think I am that handsome. But from time to time, when I am exercising and look in the mirror, I feel handsome. When I’m sweating.
Like your wild image, do you enjoy sports?
I’m not good at ball games, so I don’t really play sports. I like drawing and reading.
How good are you at drawing?
It used to be my major, so I used to be good, but not anymore. But I think I’m as good as those who are planning to major in it. When I’m bored, I draw whatever comes to my mind, but a lot of my drawings are a distortion of reality. Like caricatures.
Who is your roommate?
I don’t have one. I can’t sleep if there is someone next to me.
Is there an aspect of your fellow members that you’d like to have?
Niel’s singing ability.
Are you having fun being an idol?
There are times when it is fun, just like how there are times when it is hard. Because I am studying rap more deeply, I hope that people can see me improve.
How did you come to discover rap?
It is something I can do well, and rapping can fit with any style of music.
What is your personality like?
I actually am very shy and have a lot of thoughts. It’s hard for me to talk to someone I met for the first time. But if the other person talks to me first, we become close quickly.
Is there any type of music you’d like to challenge yourself with?
I want to try many different styles of music. I like mellow music rather than dance music. For example, I like Eminem’s “Stan,” 50Cents’ “New Day” and for pop, I like Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep.”
Eminem is going to have a concert in Korea soon. Are you going to go?
I’m not sure. I like standing up on stage rather than watching others perform. I like having the focus of the crowd. Though it is nerve-racking, it feels good. It makes my heart flutter.

Be Ma Boys, Teen Top Interview - L.JOE

While waiting for the photoshoot to start, I noticed that you were listening to music or watching a video. Do you enjoy being by yourself?
Yes. I like listening to music, watching dramas, composing, and going to movies by myself.
You are very handsome. How come I didn’t notice you before?
Because I am not very extroverted, people who are not our fans don’t know who I am. But still, I think people are slowly beginning to notice me. I don’t have much interest in variety, but if I were to do something I would like to show myself through acting or music composition.
How do you want to confess to the person you like?
I never confessed first before. Because I’m extremely shy, I always stop at one-sided love.
Then, if you got girlfriend, what kind of date do you want to go on?
I’ve never thought about it before. Because I like mountains and places with a lot of trees, I want to take her on a train ride through the countryside.
As a singer, when is the most electrifying moment?
When we finish a performance and we hear our fans cheering.
Is there a musician you would like to work with?
I really like BoA sunbae-nim’s voice. And for foreign artists, I want to pick Bruno Mars. Rather than amazing singing ability, I like people with special voices.
You always have a chic expression. When are you the happiest?
I don’t laugh very often. I really enjoy walking outside alone. Walking without any specific course. If you take a tax to Dongdaemun, there is a bridge you have to cross. I really like the view from that bridge.
What’s something you’ve lost and gained when you became an idol?
I started my work at the young age of 17. I sometimes wonder if I didn’t grow because I didn’t sleep much. And for something I gained, fans who take care of me. I’m really thankful because when I am sick, they really honestly worry.

What’s the most recent word you searched on the internet?
L.Joe! I search my name often. I saw a really bad picture of me while performing so I think I will have to focus more on my expressions from now on.
As a member of Teen Top, what is your goal?
I want to include a self-composed song in our album.
Have you ever showed your work to Brave Brothers producers?
No, I haven’t. But if we end up working with them for our next album, I want show it to them then, but they still scare me (laughs).

Be Ma Boys, Teen Top Interview - NIEL

Did you watch the Olympic Semifinals for Soccer yesterday?
No, I missed it because I was sleeping. When I was in elementary, I played soccer and sometimes I wonder if I had continued with it, wouldn’t I be practicing very hard to become a member of the national team.
But you still got a gold medal in the “Idol Olympics” for High Jump.
I was surprised, too. I think I was able to fortunately get 1st place because SHINee’s Minho wasn’t there. Next time, I want to go against Minho.
Do you play soccer or basketball with the members?
Our members don’t really like running. But I still go skateboarding with Ricky and Changjo. We saw the hyungs at our dance studio skateboarding and it looked very fun, so we tried it. It helps relieve stress, too.
You hear a lot of people call you a ‘flower boy,’ how do you feel when you hear that?
I’m not a flower boy, but I still think that I have charming features. I was very self-conscious about my lips when I was younger, but as I grew up I realized that it can be charming.
What do you think has changed the most about yourself from before debut and now?
Skills. In the beginning, it was the worst. I was completely tone-deaf. I put a lot of effort into trying to fix it, but I still think I have a long way to go.
Of all the songs Teen Top has put out, which one is your favorite?
‘Crazy.’ In comparison with the other songs, this one felt more free. And personally, I like hip-hop.
What kind of man do you think is cool and handsome?
A man who treats a woman well? I think a respectful man is a good man.
Do you think you would be able to loudly ask, “Will you go out with me?” to the person you like?
I am on the shy side, so I don’t think I would be able to do that. I am the type to treat people I become close with well, but I am shy in front of other people.
How can such a shy person have so much energy once he stands on stage?
I practice a lot so that it doesn’t show. I still don’t know what the feeling of “enjoying the stage” really is.
Of all of Teen Top’s nicknames, which one do you like the most?
Trend-Dols. When I first heard that, I felt really good. But we still have a long way to go before we are the trend, we must work hard.
This year is your last year being a teen, are you excited about becoming 20 years old?
Yes. I am really looking forward to being 20. Although the hyungs say that nothing changes once you become 20, I’m still happy about the fact that I will become 20.
Do you have any goals for this year?
First off, I want to get my driver’s license once my birthday passes. And for Teen Top as a whole, I want us to hold a solo concert in Korea.
trans.cr; bosung