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Ivy Club Magazine Interview with EXO-K!

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 | 6:22 PM


Q: Is there a Valentine’s Day memory most memorable to you?
A: In elementary school, someone put chocolates in my locker, I still don’t know who it was. Haha I’m thinking about that now! Who could it be?

Q: When in love and I a bad guy? Or a nice guy?
A: Um.. wouldn’t I be a nice guy? Because I am Suho, everyone’s guardian angel that protects them. >_<

Q: Most memorable present?
A: As a high school graduation gift I was given an electric piano. I listened to many different kinds of instruments and was studying music so it ended up helping a lot. Every time I play the electric piano, if I think about how much my parents think about me, I am very thankful.

Q: A romantic movie you like?
A: A movie called ‘Love Actually’. As a story with many people’s love stories in it, I think that the scenes were very beautiful, and because everything about the OST was good, I often listen to it during Christmas or Valentine’s day. ^^

Q: A place you’d like to visit as a date destination on Valentine’s Day?
A: Valentine’s day is in February, so it can be a bit cold, but I think that it would be good to go to the beach. I like the hot summer beach too, but I think that walking on the winter beach would make very beautiful memories.

Q: The one person that you have to give candy to on White day?
A: Hahaha wouldn’t I definitely give it to my mother? Even if I miss some anniversaries (T/N: holidays, etc) I think that I definitely must celebrate White day with my mom. Hahaha don’t forget about everyone else also! ^^

Q: Is there a Valentine’s Day memory most memorable to you?
A: For the first time in Elementary school, when one little girl wrote a letter and gave me chocolate is the most memorable.

Q: The most number of chocolates you received at once?
A: An uncountable amount! ^^ (I’m a popular guy!?)

Q: A love song you like?
A: You are a person born to be loved. ㅎ.ㅎ

Q: This Valentine’s day you will be?
A: Because I received so many chocolates from the fans I think I will be very happy sharing and eating with the members.

Q: As a present a hand knit scarf vs a brand name muffler?
A: Definitely… a hand knit scarf as a present!!!!

Q: Gifts you’d like to receive on Valentine’s day?
A: On Valentine’s day I definitely want to receive chocolate. ^^ (and fans’ love? ㅋ)

Q: Is there a Valentine’s Day memory most memorable to you?
A: My mother is really into quaint and cozy DIY things. I remember when I was little, she decorated the inside of a gold-colored chocolate box very nicely for me on Valentine’s Day. ^^ As a side note, I received chocolate only from my mother that day… a memory that isn’t so much a memory….(T/N: in the sense that there was no girl involved)

Q: The most number of chocolates you received at once?
A: There isn’t one time that I have received a lot and I only remember that it really feels like a present given from the heart every time I receive one.
Q: A love song you like?
A: Lee Seok Hoon sunbaenim’s ‘10 reasons to love you’. If you look at the lyrics and the title together, the subject of 10 reasons to love you is written, really anyone can sympathize with the lyrics and I think that it’s a song that allows you to really feel Lee Seok Hoon sunbaenim’s sweet voice blending with a romantic vibe.

Q: Do you keep up with anniversaries (T/N: holidays, etc) well?
A: No matter what anniversary, I think I keep up with them well. Even if people receive a small present or warm words on an anniversary, I think even these small things can make them very pleased. ^^ and there isn’t anyone who doesn’t like seeing someone else happy. If many people who carelessly spend their anniversaries tried just a bit more, what would it be like?

Q: The one person that you have to give candy to on White day?
A: without a doubt, I have to give candy to my parents who win 0th place (T/N: 0 coming before 1)! Haha

Q: A place you’d like to visit as a date destination on Valentine’s Day?
A: I have never been to Namsan Tower. I definitely want to go there! ^^

Q: Is there a Valentine’s Day memory most memorable to you?
A: When I was younger, I couldn’t receive any chocolate from anyone so I went to the supermarket and bought some for myself and ate them alone. (It’s a bitter memory… ㅜㅜ)

Q: This Valentine’s day you will be?
A: Because I received so much chocolate, it seems I will have to go see the dentist. Is this a happy worry!? ㅎㅎ

Q: An event you’d like to plan for your girlfriend someday?
A: I want to make chocolates filled with my love and give them to her.

Q: A song you want to listen to on Valentine’s day?
A: Usher-something special

Q: A date that you want to have on Valentine’s day?
A: I want to walk holding hands with just the two of us on a quiet and beautiful street.

Q: Gifts you’d like to receive on Valentine’s day?
A: I want to receive chocolate and a love filled letter.

Q: Is there a Valentine’s Day memory most memorable to you?
A: When I was in elementary school, my mother and my sister handed me some heart-shaped chocolate and told me that Valentine’s Day is a day when women gift chocolates to men. I was so happy that I didn’t eat any and brought them to school to brag about them instead.

Q: A romantic movie you enjoy?
A: I enjoy romantic movies very much! Among them all, ‘It Can’t Get Any Better Than This’ and ‘Something’s Gotta Give’ are my two favorites starring Jack Nicholson, whom I respect very much. Both are great films that make your heart warm on cold winter days, so I recommend that you all check them out too!

Q: When in love, are you a nice guy? Or a bad guy?
A: I think I must be the nice guy! I usually love people and get attached and affectionate easily, so if I ever fall in love, it’s likely I’ll take good care of the person with all my heart!

Q: An event you’d like to plan for your girlfriend someday?
A: When I find a girlfriend, I’d like to make her things, like cake. I have never made one before, but I see people around me and even on the internet receiving hand-crafted cake as gifts and it has always made me quite jealous. Though I may be clumsy, I’d like to put my all into making a one of a kind cake for that special person.

Q: A place you’d like to visit as a date destination on Valentine’s Day?
A: I’d like to go to an amusement park the most. I’ve always liked amusement parks as a child and I’d love to visit again on Valentine’s Day with my date to go on rides, attend festivals, wear silly headbands, and go on walks together.

Q: How was your most memorable Valentine’s Day?
A: Honestly, I don’t think there has been a memorable moment I can think back to on Valentine’s Day. In 2013 I am sure to make one with the other members or my family! It’d be much better if I share it with you too, right?

Q: It’s Valentine’s Day. Has there been a time when you had wished your girlfriend would get you something other than chocolate?
A: To be honest, I have never received chocolate from girls before. So I think I’d be moved by any Valentine’s gift I receive and feel very grateful for it. ㅜㅜ
Q: If you don’t have plans for a date on Valentine’s, what will you do instead?
A: I think I’d spend time with my family or meet up with a couple of very close friends. That is, if my friends also don’t have dates and are willing to come out and see me, too ㅎㅎ.

Q: Which do you prefer? Candy or chocolate?
A: I like chocolate more~ When I used to be in a chocolate craze, I used to buy one and eat at least one everyday! But not anymore~

Q: Gifts you’d like to receive on Valentine’s day?
A: Since it’s Valentine’s Day, chocolate is probably best?? I’d like to have cute, hand-crafted chocolate. If I really do receive them, I’d think they’d be too good to eat!!

Q: The most number of chocolates you received at once?
A: The most I’ve gotten is probably four. It was when my friend and I exchanged chocolate on Pepero Day.

translation cr; zesha @ exok-trans
M/s : kenvilthomas@kpopupdates.com