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Lee Joon Gi shoots Healing Camp for two days

Written By Unknown on Friday, January 11, 2013 | 4:44 AM

On January 10, Lee Joon Gi came back to Seoul after finishing the shooting of SBS TV’s Healing Camp, Aren’t You Happy.
Lee shot the show for two days on January 9 and 10. It’s the first talk show he appears on after he appeared on MBC TV’s The Knee Drop Guru in 2009 before he started doing his military service.
On January 11, a spokesperson for Lee said, “Lee Joon Gi shot the talk show for two days in Jeju Island and came back to Seoul yesterday (January 10). The shooting was done for quite a long time in a friendly mood. Because it’s been a while since he appeared on a talk show for the last time, he talked a lot about his career and personal life. You’ll be able to see Lee Joon Gi’s easy-going personality on the show.” The airdate hasn’t been decided yet.
Lee tweeted, “I finished the shooting of Healing Camp well. The shooting was quite long, but hosts Lee Kyung Kyu, Kim Je Dong, and Han Hye Jin stayed enthusiastic throughout the shooting. Thank you so much. I really had a lot of fun. I also appreciate all the fans for coming to Jeju Island and to the airport to encourage me despite the cold weather.”
Lee recently held his fan meeting successfully and will soon release an album. On January 26, he will hold a concert for his fans in Beijing, China.

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