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Kim Youngho voluntarily joined SPEED's music video.. Why?

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 | 7:44 PM

Actor Kim Youngho revealed the reason he voluntarily joined SPEED's music video cast as the villain.
Kim Youngho revealed that he appeared in SPEED's music video about the May 18th Gwangju Democratic Movement as a solider and the villain because he felt like the role has a special value difference from any other role he had before.
Kim Youngho has an intoxicating charisma in his role in the music video and commented, "When I read the music video's scenario, I knew I wanted to play the part because it is a realistic representation of an era of total pain that I want younger generations to know about."
Kim Youngho appeared in uniform on SPEED's homepage where it says, "5.18 - The days will remain changing, but the pain remains forever"
After "Sad Promise" was released, SPEED rushed up the real-time search engines and various newspapers' society pages and broadcasts like MBC News featured the music video and praised it's concept. Stars cheering on SPEED has also become a hot topic.
Source: http://news.nate.com.../20130115n33721
Translated by: Nathaniel @ Core Clique 

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