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Jaejoong is spotted everywhere in Seoul

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 | 1:33 AM

Kim Jae Joong's new released song "One Kiss" quickly climbed to No. 1 itunes charts in nine countriesincluding JapanSingaporeTaiwan... Over 16,000 tickets for his concert "Your, My and Mine" were also quickly sold out in two minutes!

Cjes Entertainment has made the hype campaign in preparation for the release of Kim Jae Joong's album by promoting with posters on wrapping bus running along the city and the large panel of big buildings. Moreover, his image was also promoted on electronic boards and popular websites such as Naver, Daum.

In particular, the wrapping bus running along the main road of SijakGangnam,MyungdongCoex... made fans so excited. They commented, "I see Jae Joong oppa everywhere, on the way to schoolbookstores,...""Now, everywhere inSeoul I can see Kim Jae Joong ! It is daebak", etc.

On the other hand, Kim Jae Joong will hold a solo concert on January 2627, atKINTEXIlsan and is expected to perform the song "Though I loved you" by KimKwang Suk.

Source: bnt news