# Comeback Special #
- Boyfriend [Standing With U/ I yah]
- INFINITE H [Without You / Special Girl]
- INFINITE H [Without You / Special Girl]
# Hot Music #
- SNSD [I Got A Boy]
- Baek Z Young [Hate You (Special Performer:Yiruma)]
- Sunny Hill [Goodbye to Romance]
- BIGSTAR [I Got Ya]
- Hello Venus [What Are You Doing]
- Juniel [Bad Man]
- C-CLOWN [Far Away]
- GLAM [I Like That]
- December [Don’t Go]
- 24K [Secret Love]
- 2BIC [Have you Forgotten]
- Sori [Dual Life]
- Baek Z Young [Hate You (Special Performer:Yiruma)]
- Sunny Hill [Goodbye to Romance]
- BIGSTAR [I Got Ya]
- Hello Venus [What Are You Doing]
- Juniel [Bad Man]
- C-CLOWN [Far Away]
- GLAM [I Like That]
- December [Don’t Go]
- 24K [Secret Love]
- 2BIC [Have you Forgotten]
- Sori [Dual Life]
# Fresh Music #
- A-PRINCE [Hello]
- Gavy NJ [Pretty]
- Airplane [Pretty]
- Egobomb [Abandoned]
- Gavy NJ [Pretty]
- Airplane [Pretty]
- Egobomb [Abandoned]
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