2PM is back in Indonesia for the 3rd time. And this time, they're back with their new Asian Tour titled "What Time Is It 2PM Live in Jakarta." Creativedisc.com and other media partners have managed to slip in an interview with 2PM despite their busy schedule during their stay in Jakarta. Are you curious on what did they talked about? Then check out the following interview..
Q: Last year, 2PM held a successful tour called the "Hands Up Asia Tour." Will there be any differences with this year's tour?
Junho: This year, we'll be performing with a live band, which has a much firmer sound system, and we'll also be performing songs that we've re-arranged.
Jun.K: I think the fans will be excited and look forward to it, the concert this time is much more special.
Taecyeon: There will definitely be solo stages from us.
Q: If you have the chance to collaborate with an artist/musician, who would you guys like to collaborate with?
Taecyeon: Honestly, we can collaborate with anybody. If we can work with each other, well then there'd be no problem at all.
Q: For the preparation of this Asia Tour, what kind of preparations have you made? And how long have you been preparing for this?
Chansung: We've started preparing a long time ago. When you want to have an event with no flaws, a discussion should be held before the event. Like choosing what kind of concept we want to do, making a song list, and then we'll start practicing.
Taecyeon: Actually, you'll be seeing solo stages by each of us later on. This is truly our first time doing it. As for the concept, we can either come up with it by ourselves, or we can also accept suggestions from other people. We hope the fans will be pleased with them.
Q: Do you guys have an artist or a certain someone that has an influence in your songs?
Wooyoung: Bi Hyung (Rain)
Nichkhun: Justin Timberlake
Junho: Michael Jackson (Jun.K: Yeaaaay)
Jun.K: R.Kelly, Stevie Wonder
Taecyeon: Hottest! (Jun.K: Hottest??) Taecyeon: Yes, because they're my inspiration in making songs.
Chansung: All the artists that have been said earlier. But actually, I'm truly influenced by JYP.
Q: Do you guys have other ambitions besides struggling in the music field?
Wooyoung: Actor
Nichkhun: A chef, maybe
Junho: I'm interested in extreme sports, like mountain climbing.
Jun.K: A Writer (Junho: Or Comedian?)
Taecyeon: Hmm, Fashion Model (Jun.K: Please don't write that. Junho: Delete delete, remove remove please. As Junho pushes his finger up and down, as if he's pressing the delete button on the keyboard.)
Chansung: Taekwondo Instructor
Q: Among the many songs of 2PM, which song is your favorite?
Wooyoung: Like a Movie
Nichkhun: Let It Rain (JunHo: Me too. Hmm, just kidding. Nichkhun: Just kidding?? >,< Haha)
Junho: Even If You Leave Me
Jun.K: Gimme The Light
Taecyeon: Don't Stop Can't Stop
Chansung: Hands Up
Q: Do you have any special stage prepared especially for Indonesian Hottests?
Taecyeon: Hhmmm, that's a secret. Just look forward to Chansung later on, and you'll know it. Even watching him practice was really awesome.
Q: What is the craziest thing you've ever done on stage?
Junho: I don't think we're up to that level, but when we were promoting 'Heartbeat', we were always very tired because we don't sleep after our practice, so we get really sleepy on stage.
Q: How did you feel when fans outside of Korea knew your songs?
Jun.K: We were very touched. I don't know how to describe this feeling, the fact that international fans know our songs is very touching.
Q: Do you have any plans to release a song in Indonesian?
Taecyeon: Honestly, if we were given the chance then we'd proudly release an Indonesian song. But because we've just debuted in one of the countries outside of Korea, which is Japan; so right now, we just got used to singing songs in Japanese. If we have the chance, then we'll really learn Indonesian, because up until now, the Indonesian language is still a bit hard, yes? Hehehe~
Q: You guys often recommend songs other than your own on Twitter. What song do you recommend people to hear?
Wooyoung: I often listen to songs by Noel, they're also a group from Korea. Yeah, I recommend you listen to their songs.
Nichkhun: 'You Gave Me Something' by James Morrison. I love this song.
Junho: 'I'm Your Life' by Chrisette Michele
Jun.K: 'Sweet Life' Frank Ocean (as he sings a small part from the song)
Taecyeon: Songs by "Take 5," which is jazz. You guys probably know this already.
Q: There has been a lot of boy/girlbands in Indonesia these days. This phenomenon is no doubt caused by the existence of the Korean Wave. Do you have anything to say about this?
Taecyeon: To be honest, idols first started in America. And then recently, Korea created the Korean Wave. Well, what's important is to always be creative. They need to always create their own concepts and that will further expand the potential in them.
Q: 2PM has a lot of fans from around the world. Do you have any plans on releasing a song in English? Or do you have a plan to enter the US Market?
Nichkhun: (Answers in English) I had written a song titled "Let It Rain" in English. I think it'd be cool if 2PM has the chance to release a song in English. And of course, we wouldn't mind entering the US market or the European market if we have the chance to do so.
Taecyeon: But if we release a song in English, maybe we won't be able to express our emotions fully when we sing. For now, we'll just focus on songs in Korean.
Q: If you were to pick one thing, what would you choose that you can't live without?
Jun.K: Music
Nichkhun: Family
Chansung: My phone (Jun.K: laughs hysterically)
Wooyoung: Hottest
Junho: Food
Q: If, for example, you guys didn't become an artist, what would you want to be?
Chansung: Like what I answered earlier, I want to be a Taekwondo Instructor
Taecyeon: I want to be a university student
Jun.K: When I was younger, I loved writing, so I'd probably try my best to get a bachelor's degree in writing. After that, I'd most likely open a business on selling Tteokbokki, because I love that dish.
Junho: I'd probably be a baseball player because I have a cousin who's already a baseball player, so I'd probably follow after him.
Nichkhun: Either a chef or an architect
Wooyoung: I want to be a designer
And that was our interview with 2PM. They didn't forget to say their thanks to all the media partners that were present in the interview as well.
Thank You 2PM...
Special Thanks To:
Marygops Studio
Asia Top Entertainment
Entourage Entertainment ID
Reporter: Reni Fitriah
Photo By: Dita Annissa
Article: http://creativedisc....rview-with-2pm/
Translated by Bbiyak25 @ W2D
M/s : kenvilthomas@kpopupdates.com