HaHa and Byul receive huge welcome from fans in Vietnam
Written By Unknown on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 | 4:32 AM
Newlywed couple HaHa and Byul received a tremendous welcome from their fans in Vietnam.
On December 10th, an online community board uploaded photos of HaHa and Byul’s trip to Vietnam for their honeymoon. The photos showed the couple at the Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Vietnam.
In the photos, Haha and Byul are in the airport guest meet-up area where many fans lined up to greet the star with fan signs and props. Surprised by the warm welcome received, HaHa and Byul took the time to take some pictures and signed autographs to the fans present.
Netizens who saw the photos commented, “HaHa’s popularity is amazing,” “They are such a cute couple,” “Such a large crowd gathered for HaHa’s honeymoon” and more.
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