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B1A4's concert was an exhibition center of rice garlands. Rice, briquettes, eggs, pet food and others

Written By Unknown on Thursday, December 13, 2012 | 6:33 AM

The grand scale Dreame rice wreaths and other Dreame wreaths support sent by domestic and foreign fans to B1A4's first exclusive concert reminded of an exhibition center of Dreame wreaths.
On December 8th at Seoul Olympic Park, SK Handball Stadium, 7 different types of Dreame wreaths appeared to support B1A4 (Jinyoung, CNU, Baro, Sandeul, Gongchan) including- 1.493 tons of rice wreaths, Dreame wreaths of 2,356 briquettes, 300kg of Dreame pet food wreaths, Dreame wreaths of 300 eggs, 10 mango tree Dreame wreaths, LED rice wreaths, flower garlands and others. They had the most different types of star supporting Dreame wreaths delivered.These Dreame wreaths to support B1A4's concert were sent by fans from 10 different countries, including Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Mexico and Peru, surprising Dreame and the concert staffs.The Dreame rice wreaths and other Dreame wreaths sent to support B1A4's concert enclosed the Handball Stadium and stopped the steps of the citizens who visited Olympic Park. After looking at the rice wreaths and other wreaths including Dreame garlands, Dreame egg wreaths, Dreame pet food wreaths and Dreame mango tree wreaths, the citizens showed deep interest in the various donating and supporting cultures of the fans and the group B1A4.
1.493 tons of Dreame rice wreaths will be donated to the group specified by B1A4 to help poorly-fed children and the neighbors in need. Dreame wreaths of 2,356 briquettes are enough for 23 households to use it for a month, thus these will be donated in B1A4's name to help senior citizens who live alone and to households that have poor heating system to spend a warm winter. 300kg of Dreame pet food wreaths will be donated to an animal shelter and with the help of Tree Planet and World Vision, Dreame mango tree wreaths will be donated to help starvation of children and anti-desertification in Tonj, Republic of South Sudan, Africa. Dreame egg wreaths were donated to help egg farmers who are facing difficulties due to slump in egg prices and will be donated to Nation's food bank to help elders who live alone, to reduce malnutrition and to increase egg consumption. When we convert the amount of Dreame rice wreaths sent to support B1A4's concert, there are around 120 wreaths of 20kg rice which totals to 2.4 tons and is enough for 20,000 people to eat one meal.
Since July, fans of B1A4 started sending Dreame rice wreaths to the company to support Sandeul and in June, to support Sandeul's musical, "Brother were Brave" they sent 700kg of Dreame rice wreaths and donated to Yeomyung Welfare Society, Anyang woman's hotline, Didim-dol area children's center and other places. Last July, they sent 300kg of rice wreath for KBS Joy "B1A4's Hello Baby" press conference and donated them to Food for the Hungry. On the 8th starting from 9 am, it took 5 hours to set these Dreame rice wreaths and other wreaths sent to support B1A4's concert after cleaning the snow that covered the front area of the Handball Stadium. To prevent the wreaths from destroying due to strong wind, the staffs of Dreame securely fixed the Dreame wreaths and got their staffs to station at the venue for 2 days and maintained these wreaths.
Despite the cold weather, fans started to appear from early morning at B1A4's exclusive concert venue and around 5500 fans entered and changed the bitter cold to fever by packing the stadium. In 5 minutes, more than 10,000 tickets for this concert which was held on 8th and 9th for two days were sold out, proving B1A4's potentials. Holding their first exclusive concert after debuting for a year and 8 months and "Growing in the speed of LTE" whenever they release their new album, B1A4 secures a solid and strong domestic and international fandom. "Sleep well, goodnight" and their title track of their latest album, "Tried to Walk" were composed and written by leader Jinyoung and after promoting for only 2 weeks they were nominated for first place on music show and more, showing remarkable accomplishments. At their concert they won their fans heart with the performance of their latest track "Tried to walk", including "Beautiful Target", "Only learned bad things", "Sleep well, goodnight" and other hit songs included in their albums.
Article Credits: News wire
Translation: Mochi muffins @ FLIGHTB1A4.COM
M/s : kenvilthomas@kpopupdates.com