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The untold stories about Kim Jaejoong’s Fanmeeting in Vietnam

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 | 6:09 PM

Vietnamese reporters didn’t agree… Jaejoong is still young

At the press conference which took place at Nikko hotel before the Fanmeeting, there’s quite an interesting Q-A session between Jaejoong and Vietnamese reporters. There was one particular question which was: “When will you get married?”. After listing so many reasons why he has yet married (the fact is that he had that intention when he was young but not now), Jaejoong said to reporters he thought he was still young, “just 27 years old”, therefore the fact that he’s still single isn’t weird, right? At that moment, almost all reporters reponded at the same time “No”, which made Jaejoong nearly lay down the table due to embarrassment.

Having dinner at the Vietnamese restaurant without being recognized
The only one time Jaejoong was recognized when eating out

After having arrived in Vietnam on 9th October, this Hallyu star relaxed at the hotel and… adventurously went to hotel’s restaurant to have dinner at night. It was quite strange that at that night, although many Vietnamese fans and international fans have checked in this 5 star hotel and continuously took the corner, they and even Vietnamese paparazzi couldn’t identify when Jaejoong had dinner at this hotel’s restaurant – a public place. That was also one of the two times that Jaejoong was eating out because he mostly ate in his room and called ‘PHỞ’ and Japanese sushi twice a day. Phở which is serviced at this hotel reached the prize of 250.000 VNĐ with a super big bowl. Maybe that was the reason why Jaejoong said his face seemed to swell up when eating “PHỞ” in Vietnam.

There’s a “fake Jaejoong” following Jaejoong

In his days in Vietnam, in order to avoiding fans and Vietnamese paparazzi from stalking, Korean staffs arranged a “fake Jaejoong” following Jaejoong to distract attention. Clearly in the night of 9th –10th November, when Jaejoong’s car went into SECC (district 7) for rehearsal, “fake Jaejoong’ appeared first, wearing an green hooded overcoat, immediately fans paid their attention to him and consecutively scream Jaejoong. But after that, a real Jaejoong in a black coat came out and went inside quickly, not many fans and reporters can react in time in this surprising situation, so there’s very little article had close-up pictures of Jaejoong in that night.

‘fake Jaejoong’

‘real Jaejoong’

Disabled fans

Since Vietnamese fans have waited for a long time for Jaejoong’s visit to Vietnam, almost nobody missed chances to buy tickets of his fanmeeting on 10th November. There were quite a lot of special fans appearing in the fanmeeting, such as a disabled-handed girl (who was very lucky to go onstage and was fed by Jaejoong ), a little girl followed by her dad so that it was easier for her to be taken care of, another disabled girl who came with mom and sister (then her mother went outside and waited until the end of the fanmeeting), a pregnant woman or even a whole family who were all Jaejoong’s fans. International fans followed Jaejoong from place to place, and so did in Vietnam, there were many fans from Korea, Japan, Thailand, Australia… attending SECC.

Comments from the two “most close” to Jaejoong

MC Manh Tung (right) and Jaejoong

Noone else other than MC Manh Tung and Mrs. Nguyen Ngoc Tram Oanh–the deputy head of department of Korean Studies of Social Sciences and Humanities University – the translator for Jaejoong on 10th November. MC Manh Tung shared with us: “I was lucky to have interaction with Jaejoong from the rehearsal and had a great impression on him. Before Jaejoong stepped onto the rehearsal stage, the scene I shook hands with Jaejoong was included in the script but the Korean company wanted to skip it. However, surprisingly, when Jaejoong went on stage, he approached each one of us, bowed and shook hands with everyboby on stage. Jaejoong was not feeling well at that time but he still sang two songs live during reheasal”.

 Mrs. Tram Oanh and Jaejoong

Mrs. Tram Oanh told us: “I have translated for many Korean artists before like Kim Ha Neul, Song Seun Hung, Vietnam-Korea Film Festival… but translating for a famous idol like Jaejoong is the first time.My impression of him is the same as what you saw on stage: he’s polite, cute and really really loves his fans. According to the Korean crew and my own feelings, in Vietnam, Jaejoong was quite happy and seemed to have the best mood compared to in other countries so he made me happy, too”.

Vietnam Source: kenh14.vn
E-trans by: Nu + VAT@CielJJ
Edited by: Heoheo@CielJJ
M/s : kenvilthomas@kpopupdates.com