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Tang Wei dates director Kim Tae Yong

Written By Unknown on Saturday, November 24, 2012 | 8:02 AM

The fact that actress Tang Wei and director Kim Tae Young are dating has been a secret that only a few people knew until recently. After the rumor of Tang Wei’s romance with Kim started circulating, some sources reported that the rumor was not true, but it has since been confirmed that they have actually been dating since 2011.
When Tang Wei and Kim were filming the movie Late Autumn in 2009, people didn’t know about their romance because they were busy shooting the film. In any case, the couple didn’t start dating until after they had finished shooting the film. Even for a while after the filming was finished, they simply remained friends as a director and an actress. However, a spokesperson for Kim recently said, “As they got closer, they started seeing each other more often.”
Only a few people have known about their romance, and the reason they kept it a secret is interesting. Part of the reason is that Tang Wei is a top celebrity, but they also wanted to protect Kim’s privacy. When Tang Wei purchased land near Bundang, they kept that a secret as well. The land Tang Wei purchased is not very far from the place where Kim lives.
On November 23, the magazine Woman reported that Tang Wei and director Kim met each other in 2009 for the film Late Autumn and started dating this year.

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