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Super Junior’s Eunhyuk and Sungmin freak out at fermented skate

Written By Unknown on Monday, November 26, 2012 | 1:06 AM

Super Junior’s Eunhyuk and Sungmin freaked out at fermented skate while recording a TV show.
The special 100th episode of KBS’s Hello, which will air on November 26, will introduce more interesting stories than ever.
One of them is from a wife worrying her husband enjoying fermented skate. Some people love fermented skate but some people dislike the food.
Eunhyuk, who appeared on the show as a guest, saw the food and said, “I don’t like fish that much.” Sungmin also expressed disapproval of the food. Lee Young Ja, an MC for the show, asked them to taste the food and it made them run away.
Shindong, however, enjoyed the food even though he said that he has never had the food before. The show was recorded with the audience in happy atmosphere celebrating the 100th episodes.
Super Junior will reveal their ideal scent of women on the show, which will air at 11:15 p.m.

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