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SHINee Exclusive! Photoshoot Report @ELLEgirl" in ELLE Girl touch!

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 | 6:07 PM

(Translator's Note: ELLE Girl touch! is the free edition of ELLE Girl Japan.)

SHINee Exclusive! Photoshoot Report @ELLEgirl

SHINee reappeared in this magazine! The story behind the scene of the photoshoot is being revealed.

SHINee, who released their first Japanese original single 'Dazzling Girl' on October 10th, are now back in ELLE Girl after a year and half. They ventured outside the studio with a 'Tokyo Photo Diary' concept. Our plan was to have the five of them taking each others' pictures. While they carried out the plan, we at ELLE Girl followed them closely in a documentary-like style and managed to get a lot of stories on their natural expressions♪ "Since we've always been together, we're especially good at taking each others' pictures!" Just as Jonghyun described, the members expressed their excitement throughout being able to act as both photographers taking pictures and models having their picture taken. While Key was looking for the right angle to make Minho's already-long legs look longer, Taemin was absorbed in taking his own photos (laugh). Onew was not only taking photos of the members, but also photos of the scenery and the staff as well... For more on this unique photoshoot session, please refer to the main magazine.

The photoshoot session was done on the rooftop of a studio in the city. The moment all five of them received their cameras, an intense photo session started and became chaotic. We quickly rearranged the structure to put the SHINee members in pairs and restarted the session!! (laugh)

Source/Credit: ELLE Girl touch!
Translated by: red @ shineee.net 

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