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Roh JiHoon, “My Potential Within? Unlimited”

Written By Unknown on Friday, November 23, 2012 | 2:04 AM

‘Magnet Man’ is not called for nothing.
When he stands on the glamorous stage, he has managed to put a curse on females’ heart with his deathly homme fatale charms. But when he’s offstage, Roh JiHoon (23) goes back to his simple and innocent side of his.
Through MBC ‘Birth Star’, Roh JiHoon who has received remarks about the possibility to stardom, is to return fully now. Recently, he has released debut album “The Next Big Thing’, and has started promotions for his title song ‘Being Punished’.
After his previous audition, Roh JiHoon has signed with Cube Entertainment that houses BEAST, 4minute and many other more artists, and had undergone a year and 6 months of systematic training.  Not only he has trained his singing and dancing capabilities, he has also become a specialist(?) for his own visuals.
Solo Singer★ 
Recently idol groups have been the center of attention, and there aren’t many comparable male dance soloist. Roh JiHoon has therefore received attention for emerging from the dry male dance soloist market.
“To be able to be compared with Rain senior-nim, it’s my glory. As we compare, I felt that it’s not only a target, but to become an exposed as a singer like him, so that one day I could exceed him.”
‘Natural born dancers’, ‘Overwhelming stage charms’, ‘Sexy charisma that capture hearts’ and more. Representatives of male dance soloists, Yoo SeungJun, Rain, and Seven has shown similar image on stage.
Towards the ‘difference’ that the public wants, Roh JiHoon said, “Whatever they want, I will do so, whatever it is, I will suit to it well, so that I can show my unlimited potential. With a different charm every time, I will show a better self on stage,” expressing his aspiration as a rookie singer.
On the 7th, where Roh JiHoon held his showcase, he revealed that he “practiced for 7 hours a day, just for dance practices”, and has shown those sweat and effort on stage then.
“I’m not a born dancer. I think it’s the effort through my practices. Probably because I’m more confident on my singing than dancing, so I focused more on dance practices. Other than my sleeping time, it’s like I’m always dancing.”
Last week, on various music programs, Roh JiHoon who brought out his debut stage, ‘Being Punished’, has shown a maturer vocal and stabler skills as compared to his ‘Birth Star’ days, which allows him to gain attention.
“When I first entered the company, I’ve taken some videos. As I compared them now, it’s like a difference of sky and land. It seems like (singing capibilities) has really grown. I only sing songs that are soft then. Now, it seems like I can do different type of expressions to express my feelings.”
“As the nature of a dance soloist, I couldn’t show my singing capabilities to the maximum, and I regret over it. I’m still carrying it with me, someday I will blow you away with a different type of weapon.”
When he appeared on “Birth Star’, he was noticed for his height, schoolboy image that attracted older female fans. Now, with his ‘sexiness’, ‘Homme Fatale’, he has become a more manly man.
“That’s thanks to staffs around me. Haha. Actually, I will show you my charms other than my face, or my height.
Roh JiHoon has called ‘Magnet Man’. With his consistent workouts and proportionate body, manly visuals together with his eyesmiles, it does attract female fans for sure.
“At first, I wasn’t familiar with this ‘Magnet Man’ name, but I liked it now. “
★Bad Guy★ 
The concept to Noh JiHoon is to be a ‘bad guy’.
After betraying his beloved girlfriend, he felt the pain and therefore, is ‘Being Punished’ like in his title track. Through his mockumentary, Roh JiHoon has been recognized as the ‘bad guy’ by the public.
“Firstly when I  heard about the ‘Bad Guy’ concept, my heart went ‘…’ . I was worried if I could present this concept well.”
“In reality, I think I have both bad guy and good guy traits in me. I have a slightly cold side, which I always heard about myself. As contrast, I become a good guy when I appear comfortably while smiling. Haha”
Towards question ‘Heart-moving songs?’, most artists would reply ballads, soul type of songs. But Roh JiHoon has a slightly different perception.
“Are dance songs not able to move people? I don’t think so. Dance or ballad, I think I can move hearts and I want to do that type of music. Those who see my stage, I want them to hear them saying like, ‘Roh JiHoon sings the song passionately’ “
“Honestly, I have ‘I will be great’ greed, but that’s slightly not the fact. I’ve thought about #1 on music programs, music sites. I want people to listen to my song, and be happy with it, and to be a singer that moves hearts”
Trans: MrsDooB2uty @loveindacube.wordpress.com
Source: TV Daily
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