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» Netizen arrested for spreading malicious rumors against Wonder Girls’ Sohee
Netizen arrested for spreading malicious rumors against Wonder Girls’ Sohee
Written By Unknown on Monday, November 12, 2012 | 6:10 AM
A netizen who has been spreading malicious rumors against Wonder Girls’ Sohee has been arrested for slander.
Sohee’s agency, JYP Entertainment, announced a netizen (referred to as “Mr. Lee”) who consistently spread false rumors and insulting comments against Sohee was arrested. Mr. Lee was a 22 year old college student, and the police accused him for violating service network laws.
Since April, the netizen has been making sexually insulting comments to Wonder Girls’ Sohee through three different Twitter accounts. JYP Entertainment has been requesting to delete the posts, but it is said that he rather made even further evil comments.
It is reported that Mr. Lee has posted over 150 sexually explicit statements about Sohee since June of 2011 in addition to other rumors he has tried to spread.
Source: StarN News
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