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LOEN Entertainment,"IU & Eunhyuk are not dating"

Written By Unknown on Friday, November 9, 2012 | 8:49 PM

Fans were in a state of shock when the selca of Super Junior's Eunhyuk and IU spread like wildfire online.

As reported earlier,IU accidentally uploaded a selca taken with Eunhyuk on her Twitter earlier today,fans and media sites started to speculate the relationship between them.

To this,IU's company LOEN Entertainment released an official statement:

“Hi. This is LOEN Entertainment.

Today, we would like to release our official statement regarding the photo of IU that was uploaded through her prtsonal Twitter account.

First of all, we would like to apologize for any inconveniences or worries we may have caused to the fans of IU and Super Junior.”

The picture was taken when Super Junior's Eunhyuk visited IU who was very sick at the time. Early this morning, IU accidentally uploaded this photo on her personal Twitter account

IU sincerely apologizes for her mistake and causing any inconveniences to Eunhyuk.

Lastly, IU and Eunhyuk have been close friends and colleagues since IU’s debut. Eunhyuk is also a family friend; he even has had lunch date with IU’s mother.

We humbly ask you not to make assumptions or spread false rumors based on the photo.

We have learned our lesson, deep apology.

LOEN Entertainment”

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