Leessang and YB reveal poster for joint concert
Written By Unknown on Friday, November 9, 2012 | 6:33 AM
Hip hop duo Leessang and rock group YB have revealed the posters for their upcoming joint concert this December.
On November 9th, concert producer Show Note released the poster for Leessang and YB’s year-end concert titled, ‘Shut Up and Perform’. In the poster, the members are donning black leather jackets and pants, while giving their charismatic poses.
‘Shut Up and Perform’ will take place at the Kyunghee University’s Peace Hall in Seoul this coming December 23 and 24. YB and Leessang are reported to have took a direct role in the concert’s planning and production
The two groups plan to show performances that none other can show, full of energy and passion.
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