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JYJ Jae Joong talks about his nearly-5-year relationship

Written By Unknown on Friday, November 23, 2012 | 7:11 PM

Recently, in an interview during the promotion activities for his new movie, "Jackal Is Coming",JYJ Jae Joong shared his past relationship.

Jae Joong said, "In the past, I had  been dating a girl for 4 years 8 months. However, to chase to my dream, I had to move to Seoul and we ended up that relationship. Right after I debuted as DBSK member, we still kept in touch. But one day, she said to me that it would be better if  two of us did not contact anymore".

He continued, "Frankly speaking, I still want to be her friend, but I don't think she can do it. However, she is a person in my memory and I will be missing her for the rest of my life".

Source: tvreport

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