Two hours was not enough to satisfy Vietnamese fans’ love for their idol. Lot of people cried and fainted!
Tonight 11/10, Vietnamese fans had a meeting and interacted with Jae Joong like a good dream in SECC center, Ho Chi Minh City. They got to have the chance of taking the advantage of staring into his idol eyes and also get to hear him sing. Those that were fortunate to also have Jae Joong put kimbap [into their mouths], got to play a competitive online game in a chair onstage. However, while the Fan Meeting was ending, the fans didn’t have the chance to shake hands together with their idol that the organizers had promised previously.
And now, we get to look back at the progression of this monumental fan meeting!
Immediately after the press conference ended that evening, Jae Joong quickly went to SECC center – the venue for his Fan Meeting at 7:30pm tonight. Unlike the rush of movements on the night of rehearsals yesterday 11/9, he happily walked waving to fans.7pm: The fans got to go into [the venue] on the side of [where] the stage [is located]. During this time, the organizers conducted a draw for 15 fans who get Jae Joong to feed them, making them all excited and very nervous.
7:10pm: Jaejoong appeared onstage, making SECC center explode [into cheers]. He wore a black suit mix with a T-shirt for a chic young but very still impressive. Jaejoong sang the song I’ll Protect You and shared: “Even after this as I get older then please still support me like this”, making fans want to “break their heart” from happiness.
7:25pm: Jae Joong chats together with fans. He revealed that he really likes to eat Pho (Vietnamese noodle soup) and will eat it three times a week.
He also revealed that his ideal woman, though he used to have specific standards, but now the more time passes the more it becomes vague.
The lead screen starts with [video] clips made by Vietnamese fans to give to Jae Joong. The claps of the fans followed the music, causing the hall more explosive.
7:35pm: Jae Joong said “Thank you” in Vietnamese after watching the fans’ clips. He complimented that the Vietnamese girls’ long (traditional Vietnamese) dresses are very beautiful and was excited to see the groups of fans and also have all his male fans. All the male fans in the hall shouted passionately. Before that, in the first part [of the fanmeet], he also said “Hello” in Vietnamese.
After watching the fans’ clips, he said that while watching the fans’ clips he was saddened by the other countries’ [videos], but when he watched the Vietnamese clip he felt very happy.
One fan got to go onstage to read Jae Joong a question. Fans loved repeatedly asking Jae Joong to say “I really love you”. He hesitated at first, he awkwardly pronounce in Vietnamese: ” I love you all”.
7:45pm: The next question to follow, fans asked him to sing a favorite song, Jae Joong went along to sing one of his songs No Gain by fans’ requirement. After that, the fans loved that him made a cute face – Jae Joong’s specialty in his fan meetings, he timidly laughed to ask: “After 10 years later, will the fans still love me doing this again?”.
7:50pm: Jae Joong showed all his personal items: one black bag he often uses, passport, one relatively big wallet, headphones, iPod, perfume, he also added, normally he doesn’t bring perfume, today he brought it with the intention that he will give the perfume away to a fan.
The next thing to follow was to get him to pull items from his bag: one letter, headache medicine, cellphone, one rose made fans scream loudly. He explained that it was a gift he was just given before the meeting, 3 lip balms, eye drops, a charger, hand lotion, and other accessories.
In that time fans were anxiously waiting to see what secrets he will say, his wallet had nothing in it, only a few [credit] cards, some Indonesian money, where he had come from.
7:57pm: Jae Joong left to the side wing to prepare to change his outfit for later. While putting on clothes with pockets, he said he was embarrassed to have gain some weight.
While Jaejoong was changing his outfit, all the fans in the hall did a heart symbol and chanted: Sarangheo (I love you Jae Joong).
8:05pm: Jae Joong prepared to cook onstage. He returned wearing a white shirt, dark bowtie, and wearing a familar apron. He will make a kimbap dish and shared his humor with “his dish is simple yet but also delicious”.
8:10pm: Two pieces of kimbap just hot out of the oven. When asking him where did he buy the crab ingredient to make, Jae Joong said he bought it in Vietnam because he was very afraid that if he bought it in Korea that it’ll upset [Vietnamese people's] stomachs.
The kimbap plate was beautifully decorated by Jae Joong, this confirms again the singer’s high-quality cooking skills. He also tried tasting his cooking which he then nodded in approval “very good”.
8:15pm: Five fans came onstage for Jae Joong to feed them, but each person must first do a cute gesture.
In response each fans’ actions were cute, Jae Joong covered his smile with his hand when each fan made a cute gesture which lead to applause. In the 5 fans just one person can get to put the food [in their mouth], the remaining 4 will receive a poster and autograph.
8:23pm: After feed the fans, the watchful Jae Joong embarrassingly covered his face by turning away from seeing the expressions of his fans while they were chewing, then he tried a piece for the taste and called it bland. Sometimes he sheepishly glanced at his fans with very beautiful eyes. All these actions cannot bypass the fans below. Instant emotions fill the fans every time he glanced to catch their eyes.
Each glance or movement, shy laugh, of Jae Joong using of his hand to cover face or scratching his nose have become motivation for his fans in the hall to enthusiastically scream “He’s so cute”.
8:30pm: 10 lucky fans were next to come up onstage to play a competitive online game in a chair and Jae Joong played the master role. The reward for winning 2 games was to get to take a picture with the idol. Many fans below were envious to the point of fainting.
8:44pm: Jae Joong sang Living like a Dream – Dr. Jin OST, which he wrote the lyrics to.
8:50pm: The ending song, the organizers’ announcement to the fanmeet that this would be the last song caused a lot of fans shock. Jae Joong said thank you to Vietnamese fans, he looks forward to having the opportunity to get to meet fans again. The fans together counted down from seeing their idol’s message [to them]. Confetti exploded to gracefully float down throughout the hall when the song Pierrot was sung.
Before that, he bowed in goodbye to a lot of Vietnamese fans, to express his sentiments and gratitude towards his fans who have supported him for all this time.
M/s :