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B1A4 Jinyoung, subway confirmation... Peace sign flower for fans

Written By Unknown on Saturday, November 3, 2012 | 7:50 AM

B1A4 Leader Jinyoung took a confirmation shot at a subway station.

On 2nd November, Jinyoung revealed a photo with caption "I about fan's words and after practice I went for a stroll and went to see this. I'm always touched by fans staying with us but I'm really thankful for remembering my birthday like this. As expected, bana is a packet of deep emotion."

In the photo, Jinyoung made a peace sign in front of his own photo on an electric signboard. Written in the sign board, "Wishing happy birthday to the original candy-like sweet leader of B1A4 Jinyoung" and his birthday on 18th November. Jinyoung's confirmation shot was evoked by the warmth of fans' surprise event.

Meanwhile, B1A4 is planning to make their first solo concert on the upcoming 8th and 9th December at Olympic Handball Stadium.

Article Credits: star news + GLYNX @ FLIGHTB1A4.COM
Translation: 1wsh @ FLIGHTB1A4.COM

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