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Ailee, "Everyone do you need the 'Healing Energy'?"

Written By Unknown on Thursday, November 29, 2012 | 7:59 AM

December, when we pack everything up from the past year and get ready for the next year, is a peak season for concert business. Among the various year-end concerts prepared for their audiences, one show is catching public's eye. 'Healing Concert L'

The show was projected to review the true meaning of the year-end and Christmas. Jo-han Kim, Dong-kyu Kim, Seul-gi Lee, Jung-Hoon Jin, Ha-Jun Kim, Heritage Mass Choir Habitat Childrens Choir to us will be on the stage. They are all gathered under the theme 'Full of LOVE'.

Especially, one musician is attracting our attention. It's Ailee, who had a meteoric rise to K-pop with a song 'Heaven', also having busier days with 'I Will Show You'. She's not just presenting her own show, she will be performing a 'true harmony' with other musicians.

"I'm not concerning to be a star in the show; I will melt into the whole concert with other singers. We are all for a good cause, I want everyone coming our show to get warm in their hearts."

Since she usually made her stages on a TV, we are looking forward to her concert stage. For her, meeting with her fans is always new and fresh experience. I could already see her heart fluttering.

"When the light gets up and I see the all crowd, I get excited. On the stages like concerts, I got to get enthusiastic to make my listeners enthusiastic. Thus, I can sing more freely at concert. I want to show that same things this time.

Ailee is presenting 'You are created to receive the greatest love' and 'Always LOVE' by Whitney Houston for us. And she will make a duet with Bo-ra Shin for 'When you believe' by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey.

"As this concert's character, I chose songs that have a good meaning. I am so excited about the duet stage with Bo-ra as well as mine. There's also a medley carol of by the whole cast at the end of the concert, I want that many people can come and enjoy our party."

Ailee, practicing for the concert, has a confidence which is not normal for rookies. Many experiences on the stage that she had recently was the reason for it. Especially, 'Immortal Song 2' had really helped her to jump up. She competed with distinguished singers every week, and she became stronger.

"That stage, I really had to be perfect on everything. Song, dance, also how I look on the stage, everything had to be perfect to make a good stage. Actually, a week as a preparation for the stage was little bit short. I always had much to be desired."

Leaving this desire behind, she had grown up fast under a keen competition. Ailee said "I really had a huge development on my skills on the stage." with a smile.

She had been running without a rest and got popular. But she had never lost her fresh charm as a rookie.

"I'm not really realizing how popular I am except I'm having more stages that I can sing on. I didn't ever expect to be this successful. I'm always promising to myself that I should always be thankful for my fans."

In front of her music, and people, she thinks meanly of herself. She still has a great potential and she is ready to show it to us.

"I'm so happy that there are many people like me. After this album's activities I will, and should have busy days to show my different charms. I want to meet good songs quickly and sing them for people."

Including Ailee, Jo-han Kim, Dong-kyu Kim, Seul-gi Lee, Jung-Hoon Jin, Ha-Jun Kim, Heritage Mass Choir Habitat Childrens Choir will make our heart warm at the 'Healing Concert L', December 3rd.

Source: Asiae News

Translations by: Peanuts
M/s : kenvilthomas@kpopupdates.com