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Park Myung Soo and Jung Yeop to release duet track

Written By Unknown on Friday, October 19, 2012 | 9:04 AM

Comedian Park Myung Soo and Brown Eyed Soul’s Jung Yeob will be making a music together.

It has been announced that Park Myung Soo and Jung Yeop will be releasing a ballad duet together later this month. The two recently finished recording the track which was composed and written by Ecobridge and Jung Yeop.

Especially, Park Myung Soo’s new track will be a high quality track, instead of some fun and comic track that singers and comedians usually release together, to further prove himself as a true musician.

Netizens commented, “Never expected them singing together”, “I wonder how the song will sound like” and “I can’t wait for it!”

Source: StarN News

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