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Lee Kikwang thanks Win Win colleagues

Written By Unknown on Sunday, October 7, 2012 | 6:07 AM

Lee Kikwang has stepped down as MC on ‘Win Win’.
BEAST’s Lee Kikwang had his last recording for KBS 2TV Win Win  on the 4th of October.
Due to busy activities, there were issues on planning a suitable schedule for him. After a long frustration, it was decided that he will be leaving Win Win.
On October 4th, Lee Kikwang wrote on his twitter, “Fans, thank you very much. Thanks very much for watching till the end. Because of everyone, I can live,” while expressing his grateful heart.
It then followed by, “During this time, thank you for everyone who loved Win Win. SeungWoo-hyungnim, JaeHoon-hyungnim, Sugeun-hyungnim as well as every production crew members, who always took good care of me as the maknae dongsaeng, thank you very much, and I love you. Thank you,” revealing his close relationship with Win Win colleagues.
Meanwhile, BEAST will be meeting fans as they start their ‘BEAST ZEPP TOUR 2012 We’ on October 10th in Sapporo.
Trans: MrsDooB2uty @ Loveindacube.wordpress.com
Source: News Wave

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