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Jay Park is facing "100M won" lawsuit

Written By Unknown on Friday, October 26, 2012 | 10:48 PM

Australian agency filed a lawsuit against former 2PM member Jay Park, for one sided cancellation of his scheduled performance.

The agency stated, "Former 2PM member, Jay Park, cancelled his concert that caused damage to us."

On October 26, an Australian agency, Red and Blue Entertainment, filed a 100 million won lawsuit to Seoul Central District court in opposition to Jay Park and his agency.

Red and Blue spokeperson said, "We have decided to conduct a concert for Koreans in Australia and make donation to support students studying overseas. Park supposed to attend but canceled it and caused damages for us."

"Park's representative is aware that cancellation will bring damage to us. We will file an initial 100 million won  first and will add more after calculating how big the damage was. " he added.

Source: star.mt.co.kr

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