T-ARA's past member Hwayoung's whereabouts have been revealed.
The hip hop musician Sool J sent a message to Hwayoung today through Twitter, "Hello, this is Sool J. Thank you for visiting Freestyle Day. I was only able to say hi because I was so busy. I hope you had a good day. I'll be expecting better rap and music in the near future!"
In this tweet, Sool J was referrring to Hwayoung who had visited 'FREESTYLE DAY 2012' held in AX-Korea.
'FREESTYLE DAY 2012' had the participation of Sool J, Dynamic Duo, Simon D, and many other talented hip hop musicians. It is an annual event for rap battle.
It has been revealed that HwaYoung had been studying rap recently.
Photo Credit: Sool J Twitter