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Proving “Kim Junsu effect”

Written By Unknown on Friday, September 28, 2012 | 10:09 AM

Kim Junsu’s song ‘Love is like a snowflake’ for the drama Nice Guy swept various music charts as soon as it was released, showing a hot reaction.
Currently, Kim Junsu’s ‘Love is like a snowflake’ became no 1 on real time music charts in online sites such as Bugs and Cyworld, and became #1 search word in portal site Melon, proving the power of the song.
The song producer has already recognized Best Idol singer Kim Junsu with his distinctive and expressive voice, expressing delicate harmony that can not be found in any ballad song.
The song which was first heard in the drama Nice Guy became a big topic since last week. In spite of short notice of the song release, public’s anticipation is high.
The viewers were overwhelmed with the touching song, “Kim Junsu conveys the complex emotions of the song really well.”, “The lyrics, the voice, it made me cry”, “Thank you for singing this ballad”, “This is the ballad for this fall”, among others
Previously, Kim Junsu has released songs for various dramas like ‘You are so beautiful’ from Scent of the Woman, and ‘I dislike love’ from Rooftop prince, both of which have dominated music charts and made us realize the Kim Junsu effect.
Meanwhile, Nice guy is broadcast every Wed/Thurs 9:55 pm.
Source: Star.fnnews
Translated by: @rubypurple_fan of JYJ3

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