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Lee Siyeon talks about INFINITE's Hoya!

Written By Unknown on Friday, August 31, 2012 | 6:27 AM

Lee Siyeon also became best friends with Seo Inguk and Infinite Hoya. Lee Siyeon going over to Seo Inguk’s house often is obvious, he also went to an Infinite concert himself and encouraged Hoya. Lee Siyeon said, “We’re really close. I sleep over at Seo Inguk’s house and Hoya’s fans send me departing (from airport) photos of Hoya through SNS.”
He explained, “I am head of department Lee, Seo Inguk is team manager Seo, Hoya is chairman Ho. Eun Jiwon hyung is the security guard, Shin Soyool is assistant section head Shin, and Jung Eunji is accountant Jung. We decided it while playing amongst ourselves. With Seo Inguk and Hoya, we eat chicken with beer often and go to the karaoke room and sing ‘Be Mine’ and ‘Baby’ a lot.”
Lee Siyeon, who had no interests in idols in the beginning, is now knowledgable about Seo Inguk, Infinite, and A-pink. Lee Siyeon explained, “Infinite and A-pink all came to the filming site. A-pink Yoon Bomi is really my style” and “In a short amount of time we became so close that we met Seo Inguk’s Busan friends and I introduced them to my friends.”
trans. cr; hyome @ infinite updates
source cr; newsen