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Kim Hyun Joong Donates $50,000 to the Elderly "Moved By Warm Heart of Fan Club"

Written By Unknown on Monday, August 6, 2012 | 10:35 PM

kim hyun joong
Kim Hyun Joong made a grand donation.
Two days ago, Kim Hyun Joong donated $50,000 to the Beautiful Organization. On August 1, Kim Hyun Joong's fan club had donated $10,000 to the Beautiful Organization for the elderly who lives alone.
Kim Hyun Joong, who returned to Korea on the 2nd after finishing his Asia fan meeting tour, heard that his fan club made such a warm action, and was deeply moved. He stated "I want to follow after my respectable fans and do something helpful to the people around me who need help."
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The $50,000 donated by Kim Hyun Joong is planned to be used for 'Heat Campaign for Elderly Who Live Alone' and for the college students who take on the responsibility of both academics and sustenance.
Photo Credit: Kim Hyun Joong