DSP Media issues apology for KARA’s ‘handicap parking’ incident
Written By Unknown on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 | 5:49 AM
KARA sparked yet another controversy after a photo of their vehicles parked in the handicapped parking slots surfaced online. With the uproar that this has caused, their agency, DSP Media issued an apology for the incident.
DSP Media stated, “After speaking with the manager who drove the car and investigating the circumstances, we found out that the two vehicles KARA and their staff rode on August 25th stopped by the Jung An rest stop in Gongju and parked in the handicapped slots for about 15 minutes.”
“We would like to humbly apologize to those who were discomforted by this situation and to all those who love KARA. We will make sure that this type of unfortunate incident does not happen again in the future”, the agency added.
On August 25, two large vans were seen occupying two handicapped spots in the rest stop’s parking lot without a permit for some 20 minutes. Netizens were shocked to see that the two vans were none other than the KARA members and their staff who were en route to a performance at the Yeosu Expo.
Source: Herald