Chinese 4minute fansite, LikeTheMuzik, has recently closed down due to disappointment over Hyunah's impending solo. However, the owner of this fansite did not leave quietly.
LikeTheMuzik was a 4minute fansite where 4nias could gather to talk about 4minute and download their latest TV appearances. Since its shutdown, the owner of the fansite has compiled several pictures and also left a message on the website. The pictures that the owner created are "facts about Kim Hyunah" that show his intense opposition against Hyunah.
The owner's first fact shows Hyunah and her fans defending the "Bubble Pop" star against shaming accusations. However, the picture ends with Hong Seungsung, the CEO of Cube, replying, "If you are not, then who?", reflecting the owner's thoughts about Hyunah's stage persona. (A/N: The English version uses bitch, but the Korean version uses 창녀, which is more appropriately translated as whore.)
The owner's second fact begins with Hyunah's confessions in recent shows, where she reveals that life is not as easy as it seems for her. In this scenario, when told by fans to stop acting in a cheap manner, Hyunah responds, "No way! I'm bitch style!", referencing Hyunah's recent involvement in Psy's worldwide hit "Gangnam Style".
The last picture depicts citizens watching TV, showing pity over those who are forced to become prostitutes to overcome adversities in their lives. They then complain after seeing a perfeormance of Hyunah's "Trouble Maker". The last frame of this picture shows Hyunah's parents living happily with the money Hyunah is making through her controversial work.
Finally, the author leaves a message to the visitors of his site.
If you love 4minute, don't hate Hyunah
If you love 4minute, don't talk about Ssang-Yoon unit
If you love 4minute, congratulate to Hyunah
If not, 4minute will get hurt
So, I don't love 4minute any more
No matter 4minute hurts or not, I really hate Hyunah the bitch
The LikeTheMuzik owner acknowledges that 4minute fans should not hate Hyunah for the numerous opportunities given to her over the other members. They should instead support Hyunah and not complain about 4minute's long-rumored "Double-Yoon" unit. However, this person reveals that he is no longer a 4minute fan because he cannot abide by these rules and suppress his hatred of Hyunah anymore. He then leaves a closing message, saying "Lastly, to those who have been supporting this place, sorry. Goodbye."
Cube's spotlight of Hyunah over the other members has long been controversial. Many fans have felt that Hyunah is unfairly favored over the other members due to her many solo projects and variety appearances. However, not many have expressed their displeasure in such a high-profile, extreme way.
Source: LikeTheMuzik
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