Sandeul is a different person when he is singing……!?

Sandeul is a different person when he is singing……!?

B1A4 releases ‘In The Wind’ teasers for Sandeul, Gongchan and CNU

B1A4 releases ‘In The Wind’ teasers for Sandeul, Gongchan and CNU

Jinyoung, CNU and Sandeul's messages for Taiwanese fans!

Jinyoung, CNU and Sandeul's messages for Taiwanese fans!

B1A4's Sandeul expresses his feeling of 'becoming mature'.

B1A4's Sandeul expresses his feeling of 'becoming mature'.

B1A4 to perform on ‘Immortal Song 2’

B1A4 to perform on ‘Immortal Song 2’

Did B1A4's Sandeul do well as an actor?

Did B1A4's Sandeul do well as an actor?

Sandeul is afraid of...

Sandeul is afraid of...