JiHyun-Hyungsik, Real Dating Mode.. ‘Romantic Idol’ Gave Life to it

JiHyun-Hyungsik, Real Dating Mode.. ‘Romantic Idol’ Gave Life to it

ZE:A releases MV for “Beautiful Lady” starring 4minute’s Jihyun

ZE:A releases MV for “Beautiful Lady” starring 4minute’s Jihyun

Nam JiHyun, Flower Maiden on Jeju Island Proof Shot

Nam JiHyun, Flower Maiden on Jeju Island Proof Shot

Sim LeeYoung and 4minute Nam JiHyun to challenge Entertainment MC role

Sim LeeYoung and 4minute Nam JiHyun to challenge Entertainment MC role

Jihyun to cameo in 'Ms Panda and Mr. Hedgehog'

Jihyun to cameo in 'Ms Panda and Mr. Hedgehog'

4Minute's Jihyun tweets adorable selca!

4Minute's Jihyun tweets adorable selca!

4minute Hyuna and Jihyun snapped selcas in Macau

4minute Hyuna and Jihyun snapped selcas in Macau