4MINUTE Mini Photo : HYUNA Music Core

4MINUTE Mini Photo : HYUNA Music Core

Billboard recommends HyunA as Justin Beiber’s next girlfriend

Billboard recommends HyunA as Justin Beiber’s next girlfriend

Hyuna pokes dancer’s eyes while Dancing?

Hyuna pokes dancer’s eyes while Dancing?

Cheoeum Cheorum soju chooses among Hyuna, Hara and Hyorin as the next Lee Hyori

Cheoeum Cheorum soju chooses among Hyuna, Hara and Hyorin as the next Lee Hyori

Hyunah, "The burden of expectations felt heavier on my shoulders..."

Hyunah, "The burden of expectations felt heavier on my shoulders..."

Hyuna's "Ice Cream" skyrockets on online charts after MV release

Hyuna's "Ice Cream" skyrockets on online charts after MV release

Hyuna, ‘Ice-Cream’ Release Delays, Why?

Hyuna, ‘Ice-Cream’ Release Delays, Why?

Hyuna, ‘Hip Hop Female Warrior’

Hyuna, ‘Hip Hop Female Warrior’

Hyunah is stronger this time

Hyunah is stronger this time

Hyuna-Doojoon, Exchanged glances, Couple shot revealed

Hyuna-Doojoon, Exchanged glances, Couple shot revealed